19 nov 2013

A Comissão de Minas e Energia da Câmara dos Deputados começou a receber emendas com sugestões para o projeto de lei que define uma política nacional para o gás natural no Brasil e propõe mudanças na atual Lei do Gás. Até o momento foram apresentadas 15 propostas ao texto original, entre elas a que prevê a venda da parcela do gás da União nos contratos de partilha do pré-sal para o setor industrial a preços mais competitivos.

House of Representatives evaluates selling of the Union’s gas on the pre-salt to the industries
The Commission of Mines and Energy of the House of Representatives began to receive amendments with suggestions for the bill of law that sets forth a national policy for natural gas in Brazil with suggestions of amendments to the current Gas Act. Until November 19th, 15 proposals to the original wording were submitted and, among them, there is a proposal that establishes the sale of part of the Union’s gas under the pre-salt production sharing agreement to the industry sector on more competitive prices.