02 dez 2013

A presidente Dilma Rousseff e o consórcio vencedor do leilão do bloco de Libra assinaram, no dia 2 de dezembro, o primeiro contrato de partilha para a exploração do pré-sal. Na cerimônia, realizada no Palácio do Planalto, a presidente destacou a previsão de arrecadação de R$ 1 trilhão durante os 35 anos de vigência do contrato.

Government and consortium executed the first pre-salt’s production sharing agreement
The President Dilma Roussef and the winner consortium of Libra’s auction executed, on December 2nd, the first production sharing agreement to explore the pre-salt’s area. On the ceremony held at Palácio do Planalto, which is the President’s official workplace, Dilma stressed the expectation to raise 1 trillion Brazilian Reais during the period of 35 years that the agreement will remain in force.