23 jun 2014

As concessões de todos os 11 blocos do setor SPAR-CS, leiloadas na 12ª rodada, seguem suspensas pela Justiça Federal do Paraná. No dia 23 de junho, a ANP e os consórcios vencedores foram comunicados sobre a decisão do tribunal, que manteve os efeitos de uma liminar a favor do MPF. A ANP recorreu alegando que o caso deveria ser julgado na Justiça Federal do Rio de Janeiro; que não cabe suspensão da rodada, pois todo o rito legal para concessão das áreas (incluindo a emissão dos pareceres dos órgãos ambientais) foi cumprido; e que a decisão trará prejuízo aos cofres públicos e retardará investimentos.

Justice maintains suspension of the 12th Round
The concessions of all 11 blocks of the sector SPAR-CS, bided on the ANP’s 12th Concession Bid Round are still suspended by the Federal Court of Paraná. On June 23rd, ANP and the awarded oil producers were informed about the court’s decision that maintained the effects of a preliminary injunction in favor of MPF. ANP has appealed, pleading that the case should be judged by the Federal Court of Rio de Janeiro; that the round cannot be suspended since all legal procedure for the areas’ concession have been fulfilled (including the issuance of the environmental bodies’ opinion); and that the decision would bring losses and would delay the investments.
Fonte/Source: Energia Hoje