07 jan 2014

A Total recebeu licença de operação do Ibama para iniciar a nova campanha de avaliação do campo de Xerelete, onde a francesa vai testar a viabilidade de um prospecto no pré-sal da Bacia de Campos. A campanha será conduzida pela sonda Norbe VIII, da Odebrecht Óleo e Gás. A perfuração de um poço no pré-sal deve durar cerca de três meses e custar de US$ 90 milhões a US$ 100 milhões.

Total received Ibama’s license for appraisal in the pre-salt of Xerelete
Total received the operation license from the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Resources (“Ibama”) to begin a new appraisal campaign in Xerelete’s Field, where the French company will test the feasibility of a pre-salt prospect in Campo Basin. This campaign will be conducted by the rig Norbe VIII, of Odebrecht Óleo e Gás. The drilling of an oil well located in the pre-salt shall take about three months and cost from US$ 90 million to US$ 100 million.